Role and Responsibilities of a Social Secretary

Created by Eleanor Addison, Modified on Mon, 04 Dec 2023 at 03:49 PM by Eleanor Addison

The Social Secretary plays a pivotal role in cultivating the social aspect of the group's activities. This role involves planning and organizing engaging social events and activities that build connections among members and enhance the overall group experience. 

Responsibilities include: 

Event Planning and Coordination: The main responsibility of a social secretary is to organise and coordinate different socials for the group. In many case these happen weekly usually on a Wednesday, however this may be different for your particular group. Socials are activities that take place outside your usual group activity. Socials should reflect the wants and needs of your group and there should be at least two sober socials each term.

Member Engagement: During social events and other club activities, the social secretary should take an active role in engaging with members and ensuring that they have a positive experience. They facilitate introductions, encourage interaction, and create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome. 

Key Events: The social secretary should organise and coordinate the student groups big events this usually includes a Christmas meal/activity, AGM and potentially an easter activity (usually around varsity).

Collaboration with the Welfare Officer: The social secretary should work with the welfare officer to ensure that socials cater to the diverse needs of members. They should work together to organize sober socials, creating inclusive and enjoyable experiences for all members, regardless of their preferences. 

Collaboration with the Treasurer: The social secretary should work with the treasurer  to ensure that social events are financially feasible and affordable for members. They work together to set budgets, estimate costs, and explore funding options to cover expenses. 

Collaboration with the Social Media Officer: The social secretary should work with the social media officer to promote upcoming events to group members. 

In summary, the social secretary should enhance the social experience of members through well-planned and engaging events. Their role involves creativity, collaboration, financial considerations, and attention to logistical details to ensure that members have enjoyable and memorable experiences while building a strong sense of community within the group.  

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